We took one day off, just had a leisurely day of kidding around with our hostel host about learning spanish phrases, then a hike to a real pretty lake right outside of town. While hiking above the lake I came across this real strange rabbit like animal that bolted away from me - Jen didn't see it. It moved like a rabbit, but was waay to big to be one. I finally looked it up and what I saw was a pampas Hare, or Mara, it is of the guinea pig family, pretty cool. We rounded out our friday by going to Trevelin for a welsh tea. Very good cakes and such, very dignified but us two ski bums managed to completely polish off our treats.
Then Saturday is back to La Hoya for another round of skiing. Today we get picked up by this monster green army ambulance that sits way up there. Very funny, we were giggling as they turned around to come pick us up. Once again not too much communication with the guys since we just can barely understand a tenth of what they are saying, it can be bit frustrating after a while. We make it up to the resort and it is Windy up here - muy vienta! Head out and brave the wind and immediately go and hike, it's pretty nasty out here, have to fight to stay on your feet. One thing we are learning is that it is just windy in the Andes!! We go and ski fresh lines back in our favorite bowl first, then for a 2nd run go out to the further peak and ski sick lines down thru the rocks. It's real pretty out here in the spires, if only the wind would let up. We end up leaving early and give up on fighting the wind, start walking down the road till we get picked up by a real nice la chata (truck) for a fast ride down to our hostel. Back to our home away from home, making fun of our spanish, checking out the rock climbing wall in the garage, cooking dinner....
yay Jenny! keep bloggin' i love it! it looks like you guys are having a blast! I cant wait to hear more about your trip when you return...you'll be happy to know it snowed in the highcountry here this weekend!!!~shara
la chota means,,THE DICK
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