Well this is our third day here in Santiago with most of it being spent on our favorite new game of "Where's our luggage" We got 3 or our bags yesterday afternoon, but they couldn't find the 4th, so we are without our ski boots at this time. We went to the airport this morning bright and early to try to talk with Delta in hopes of getting to talk to someone that wasn't a phone recording. We saw our Delta friend Raoul right away and he was once again very helpful and had some info for us after we waited for a bit. I was trying to pull the upset girl card, but after a night of making new friends and trying Chilean Pisco for the first time, I am definitely worse for wear and really just looked miserable anyways. It also didn't help that we didn't have time for breakfast before catching the bus out. Now we have our tickets booked for a bus to Mendoza, have to give up our plans of stopping at Penitintes on the way over the pass and skiing there, and hope that our bag with our ski boots will actually arrive in Mendoza like promised. Argentina here we come!!!
Hi, it's Jenny. One more day in the city, but we have bought our bus tickets to freedom (Argentina, here we come!). Fellow US citizens, I would advise flying into Buenos Aires and saving yourself a headache. Especially since the exchange rate here has fallen to 1 peso=0.45 US (and you avoid the $130 US entrance fee just to arrive in Chile). On a better note, we took a walk to the Pahque square where there is a historic fort and park. Yesterday morning I went grocery shopping and then to the fish market. We have found that it is much cheaper to eat fast food here or cook your own. Ladies or men with purses, they tape bags shut here upon entering into a store. Don't panic. And another important note, either carry spare change for the bathroom or risk peeing on the street. The going rate seems to be about 150 pesos, and they even throw in two sheets of paper. If that won't do, you must pay extra for more. Next stop is Mendoza, on the other side of the Andes. PS...Delta, we are still pissed and will be more so if that ski boot bag does't arrive in Mendoza.